get your shine on

I still wake up many mornings humming a song.  This morning, it was “Get Your Shine On”.  Is this another message from the Universe?   I never know these days where “help” is going to come from.  Sometimes it’s from an old friend who warns me about something or someone … or sometimes it’s a suggestion from a complete stranger who happens to tell me about a book that she just read.  Or it may come from a song on the radio or a two minute story I happen to catch as I walk past the television.  Although I believe this has been happening my ENTIRE life, the difference now is that I am paying attention to it.  I am ordering the book that is mentioned to me over and over.  I am watching the movie that is recommended.  Or I am looking up the lyrics to a song I am thinking about as soon as I wake up. 

It’s these “messages” from the Universe that guide each of us forward toward the path we are supposed to be on, but seldom are.  Most of us have gotten so far OFF our path that we don’t even know where to begin.  We are either in the wrong relationships or the wrong careers or in the wrong location.  We somehow got off our path so many years ago (in my case, almost 30 years), and although many of us have had “happy” moments, how many of us are really fulfilled?  How many of us are living the life we were meant to, one that actually feeds our soul and makes us proud of who we are? 

If you often feel stressed or “burned out”, and your job, activities or certain people drain you of your energy, this is a big message that you need to move on.  Your “spirit” is already gone from this work or this relationship, but your body is still trying to hang in there.  The two (body and spirit) work together to let you know where you should be and what you should be doing at any given moment. But you have to listen.  You have to pay attention to the “signs”.   Some will come from the Universe, but many will come directly from YOUR body.  Not only will it tell you what to move away from, it will also tell you what to go toward.  If you are with someone or doing something that gives you energy or enthusiasm, that’s the message and the encouragement you need.  Once you get the hang of this, you will see that there are signs for you EVERYWHERE all the time.    

Sometimes the sign you receive will instantly resonate with you, and you will understand its meaning.  But other times, you will have to dig deeper.  I had to this morning, when I examined why “Get Your Shine On” were the first words in my head when I woke up.  When I looked up the lyrics, I realized that I was being reminded again (for the umpteenth time) that I am also a special person and to STOP seeing myself as the girl that never gets asked to dance.  I have been fighting this all my life, but until a psychic told me this last year, I didn’t connect the dots.  She saw a picture of me as a young child “hiding” under a dining room with a blanket over my head while the rest of the family were talking and laughing at dinner.  When I asked her what this meant, she said I always let others take center stage while I stood on the sidelines.  The only time I was ever “seen” (or received attention) was when I was a good girl and helped others or when I got straight A’s.  However, the opposite was true of my sister, who was also crying for attention, but was only seen when she was “bad”.  When she got pregnant at 15 and dropped out of school, everyone paid attention to that.  Or when she was sick and in the hospital, everyone rushed to her side.  For years, I always thought she was just “selfish” and dragged everyone else into her mess… but now I know she was also just desperate for attention. 

My sister died at the age of 35, so I will never be able to ask her exactly what type of “abuse” SHE experienced as a child.  Heidi was five years younger, which always seemed like a different generation to me.  We were never close, and we never confided in each other or had those heart-to-heart conversations that I wish we could have.  But after all the research I have done about “child abuse”, I have learned that two different personalities can emerge from it:  1) the one who lives a very disciplined life, trying to do everything “perfectly” and always choosing security, stability and certainty no matter what; or 2) the one who is “angry” and will rebel against everyone and everything and will never conform or follow the rules ….best described as the “my way or the highway” personality. 

 Copyright © 2013 (Michelle Parsons, Getting Back on Your Path). All Rights Reserved.

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