The Rat Catchers

For years, the police thought it was only one killer that was targeting the Church. That was what they said, at least.  No mention of a conspiracy and no reference to the fact that all the victims knew each other and all were from the same congregation.  Or that the police themselves were being paid off to stay quiet about it all.  None of the dirty scandalous secrets were revealed, and the guiltiest went free while the community itself suffered the most.  

Some were killed by gun, some by knife and some by rope. Yet they all kept insisting there was only one murderer. All ages were killed but only the youngest victims disclosed … and no one ever connected the dots to the Church. Protected by their crime organization, a cover went down immediately and those who knew something were either blackmailed, bribed or killed themselves. 

Guilty of crimes no one dares to speak of, a secret trail leads to a farm where pigs are their sexual partners and the rats nearby their dessert for later. With a brothel of services provided, the pig lover transforms into a rat catcher and sucks their blood like a Dracula. A sexual turn on combined with a sinister purpose and a diabolical plan. Taking the corpses home as a parting gift, the rat catcher makes two stops. One to donate his own diseased blood for all the sickly do-gooders and the other at a Christian homeless shelter where the rats themselves are served to the unsuspected. 

One church going after the other. Neither one clean and neither one godly. Both claiming to be Christian but committed to and aligned with Satan. Rivals for his affection … and for second in command. An unholy trinity when the going gets rough but back stabbers when his back is turned. Loyal on paper only, each one rallying for their own supporters and their own armies … some pro-destruction and some pro-annihilation. No love lost between them and each deceived, manipulated and sabotaged by the other. A Tower of Babel for the onlookers.

Copyright © 2015 (Michelle Parsons, Getting Back on Your Path). All Rights Reserved.

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