Wrong Family On The Right Side of the Tracks

            By Michelle (Milan) Parsons
I come from the wrong family on the right side of the tracks
I come from the land of milk and honey and a life of good and plenty
I come from pretty houses, swimming pools and steak every night
     none of which we could afford
I come from tears at night when the abuse wouldn’t stop
     and no one would listen
I come from fear and nightmares and shame everlasting.
I come from a family of narcissists, gamblers, pranksters and jokesters
I come from a family where everyone has a nickname but no one feels loved
I come from a family where only the loudest is recognized
     and the quietest is never heard
I come from a family who sound sincere and look good on paper
    but the mother doesn’t protect and the father is never around
I come from pretty skin, good genes and vanity everlasting.
I come from kings and crusaders, warriors and nomads
I come from power and greed, treason and sedition
I come from doctors and lawyers, farmers and pilots, hunters with guns
     and a dog by their side
I come from Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman and Amelia Earhart
    but my voice was never heard
I come from jealousy and hatred and revenge everlasting.
I come from ups and downs, chaos and confusion
I come from barroom brawls, drinkers, smokers and dancers
I come from a marriage of convenience and control
     where no one got the last laugh
I come from secrets and lies
     and truths that will never be told
I come from pain and humiliation and regret everlasting.
I come from intolerance and judgment, adultery and abuse
I come from a life of sabotage and subterfuge
I come from humor and laughter
      when all else fails
I come from a path that was never taken
     and a time I can never get back
I come from hope and faith and strength everlasting.
Copyright © 2013 (Michelle Parsons, Getting Back on Your Path). All Rights Reserved.

Comments (1)

Lawrence BadihJanuary 23rd, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Great reminder. We can all identify one of these places where we come from. I personally identify with “I come from a family who sound sincere and look good on paper
but the mother doesn’t protect and the father is never around” I never met my dad and I never even seen a photo of him and frankly not even sure if my mother herself really know who my father is. Today I say thanks to God for His grace and mercy.

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